Wallabies Warm Care Blanket

The process of air convictions is due to the transfer of heat. Through controlled diffusion, warm air moves from a high-volume blower to a low-pressure blanket.

The warm air from the blower gets equally distributed in the warming blanket and with the help of this blanket, the temperature of the patient's body can be capped to a certain level.

The convective warmer draws ambient-temperature air through a HEPA air filter. The filtered air is warmed to a selected temperature connected to universal hose of the warmer Blankets are suitable mainly all type of warmers Micro perforation of white fabric with cubic honey comb structure filter dust free air to prevent surgical site infection. Wallabies warm care blankets are lint, latex free and fluid resistance. Blanket is made from soft fabrics, even perforation for even continuous convective warming air all over the patient body. Blankets has been designed specifically for patients with our full range of warming blankets A full range of blankets to accommodate every type of pediatric and adult patient and procedure.

WWC 101

WWC 101

Full Body Multi Access Blankets Size 110 cm x 200cm Number of air inlets: 1 Easy access to chest tubes, arteries and pulse checking Designed for performing head and neck surgery. Suitable for head and neck surgery Covers the entire body and is suitable for surgical interventions in recovery rooms and intensive care.

WWC 102

WWC 102

Upper body size 120 x 125 cm Number of inlet -2 designed for lower body surgery to cover the patient's upper torso, upper extremities, neck and head. Suitable for lower abdomen ,gynecology, urology, anorectic) surgery, lower extremity orthopedics surgery.

WWC 103

WWC 103

Lower Body Size- 120 x 120cm Lower body blanket designed for upper body surgery. Suitable for head (neurosurgery), neck, chest, cardiothoracic surgery, breast surgery), upper limbs (orthopedics), upper abdomen general surgery,

WWC 104

WWC 104

Surgical Access- Size- 110 x 200 cm Suitable for laminectomy, spine surgery, abdominal surgery

WWC 105

WWC 105

Abdominal Excess Size 195 × 184 cm Suitable for laminectomy, spine surgery, abdominal surgery and transplant surgery, etc.

WWC 106

WWC 106

WWC106Cardiac Excess Size 195 × 120 cm Suitable for Heart and Chest Surgery